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DRIFT MASTERS KING OF RIGA , 17-18 SEPTEMBER, BIKERNIEKI driftlatvia 17 Views • 3 years ago

Drift Masters King of Riga, strongest Polish drift series, comes to Latvia for the first time

In mid-September, from the 17th to 18th, Biķernieki will host two rounds of Drift Masters Triobet Latvian GP. This will be the first time this Polish drift series has an event outside of Poland, and they have chosen Biķernieki, the best track in Europe.
Latvian drift organizers are honoured to welcome one of the best and strongest drift series of Europe. On September 17 and 18, Biķernieki will host close battles of the best Latvian, Polish and European drivers, with thousands of horsepower making smoke throughout two days in three separate events.
This event will go in Latvian drifting history as the first ever drift event to have two full days of competition. On Saturday, there will be the qualification and tandem runs for round 7 of Drift Masters GP, as well as qualification for the Triobet Latvian Drift Championship round. On Sunday, round 8 of the Drift Masters GP, including both qualification and tandem runs, will take place, followed by the tandem runs of the Triobet Latvian Drift Championship. Event schedule will also be slightly different from what is typically seen in Biķernieki. Qualification for the Drift Masters GP will begin at 9:00 each morning, followed by practice of tandem runs (based on qualification results) at 12:00. Event opening ceremony is set for 13:00, while the tandem runs will begin at 13:30. Drift Masters differs from most other drifting series in that only the top 16 drivers qualify for the tandem runs.
Organizers would like to welcome any European and Baltic drivers to compete in the events, in order to have a fantastic drift-filled racing weekend.
Entry fee for both Drift Masters GP events is 200 EUR, and 50 EUR for entering the Latvian Drift Championship, with the latter entry fee going completely into the prize fund.
In addition to that, organizers can offer great deals for drivers from Norway, Sweden and Finland who plan to travel via Tallink, with at least a 35% discount from the base price.

You can follow the latest news on
www.driftlatvia.com and Latvian drift page on Facebook, as well as the Drift masters GP Latvia event on Facebook.

See you on track on September 17 and 18 for the strongest Polish drift series in the best track in Europe – Biķernieki!

City Fitness Street Drift 11.oktobrī Biķernieku sporta kompleksā
City Fitness Street Drift 11.oktobrī Biķernieku sporta kompleksā driftlatvia 16 Views • 3 years ago

Pirmo reizi iespēja visiem sānslīžu tīkotājiem 11.oktobrī piesiet dūšu un pārbaudīt savas prasmes driftēšanā vienā tresē, vienās sacensībās ar Latvijas drifta čempionāta dalībniekiem.

Pirmais sānslīdes amatieris jau pieteicies rallijsprinta braucējs Kārlis Zatlers. Viņš atzīst, ka drifts ir skatāms sporta veids un labprāt pats piedalīsies un izmēģinās savus spēkus vadīt automašīnu sānslīdēs.

„City Fitness Street Drift pasākumā Biķernieku stadionā piedalīties var ikviens driftēt gribētājs. Kopējā cīņā tiks noskaidrots kurš kuru! Varbūt tieši tu drifta trasē esi meistarīgāks par 2009.gada Latvijas drifta čempionāta labākajiem braucējiem Raivo Mužiku, Ervīnu Žuku, Gati Lapānu vai Andri Rancānu? Tev tikai nepieciešams standartauto, ar kuru var braukt sānslīdēs un ķivere. Tiekamies 11.oktobrī, plkst.14.

Sacīkstes būs sava veida ieskats Latvijas drifta čempionāta nākamajā sezonā, kad uz starta stāsies „Pro klase (driftam sagatavotas automašīnas ar drošības karkasu) un jaunā „Street legal klase (standarta automašīnas).

Pieteikšanās „City Fitness Street Drift sacensībām sākas 29.septembrī. Apmeklējiet mājaslapu
www.laf.lv un sadaļā „Drifts atradīsiet sacensību nolikumu un pieteikšanās anketu. Dalības maksa Ls 15 (iekļauts vienas dienas apdrošināšana un vienreizējā LAF licence). Svarīgi ar vienu automašīnu var piedalīties vairāki braucēji.

Pirms sacensībām 11.oktobrī visiem dalībniekiem būs lieliska iespēja aizvadīt treniņus Biķernieku stadionā.

PRO DRIFTS DAUGAVPILI 14.07.2012 driftlatvia 15 Views • 3 years ago

Pēc veiksmīgi aizvadītā posma pagājušogad, arī šovasar, jau 14.jūlijā visiem Latgales reģiona iedzīvotājiem tiek dota lieliska iespēja- Drifts atkal Daugavpilī.
Jau 14 jūlijā Daugavpils kartodromā „Blāzma", Linginišķi, sabrauks visi spēcīgākie un jauniem Latvijas drifteri, lai cīnītos par vietām 3 ieskaites klasēs-
• Lāčplēša alus Latvijas Drifta kausa 3.posms ar street un proam klasēm
• Latvijas Drifta čempionāta 2.posms ar PRO klases ieskaiti, kur uz starta redzēsim gan divkārtējo Latvijas drifta čempionu Jāni Eglīti, gan visus pārējos PRO klases braucējus, kas veiksmīgi sevi pieteica un parādīja pirmajā LDČ posmā Rīgā.
Vismaz 40 dalībnieku, spēcīgākās drifta automašīnas, daudz dūmu, nebijušas trases konfigurācijas un daudz, jo daudz pārsteigumu.
Organizatori aicina droši sacensībām pietiekties arī jaunos censoņus no Latgales novada, jo street klasē savus spēkus var iemēģināt jebkurš braucējs, un tagad, kad sacensības notiek tik tuvu mājām, tiek dota vēl nebijusi iespēja pamēģināt spēkus šajā autosporta disciplīnā.
Pasākuma sākums 14:00 dienā.

Skatītāji jau var iegādāties ieejas biļetes Biļešu servisa kasēs un DUS Statoil visā Latvijā.
• Ieejas biļešu cena TIKAI 4Ls (iepriekšpārdošanā)
• Bērniem no 10 -- 16 gadiem ieejas maksa 2Ls
• Bērniem līdz 9 gadu vecumam un invalīdiem ieeja bezmaksas.
• Pensionāriem 2 Ls

Ieeja skatītājiem no 13:00, pasākuma sākums 14:00. Sacensības paredzētas līdz 20:00.

Un vēl- Parādes brauciens pa Daugavpils pilsētas ielām 13.07.2012
Sākums plkst.19.45 no kartodromā "Blāzma"; no plkst.20.00 līdz plkst.20.30 sporta automašīnu aplūkošana Vienības laukumā (no Vienības ielas puses), atpakaļceļs uz kartodromu "Blāzma" plkst.20.30.

Tiekamies 14 jūlijā Daugavpilī, kartodromā „Blāzma"!

Vairāk informācijas ww.lda.lv,
www.prodrift.lv un visiem jaunumiem sekojiet l;īdzi mūsu Facebook

LATVIA DRIFT SEASON OPENING 2016, WITCH KETTLE 7-8 MAY, BIKERNIEKI driftlatvia 14 Views • 3 years ago

Baltic PRO drifters to open season on the thrilling moto track of Biķernieki

Latvian drift season is set to begin with an international level event – Biķernieki will host a round of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian PRO drift championships on May 7th . The following day will consist of the first event of the Latvian drift cup in Street and ProAm classes, which typically have a lot of participants.

This season opening event is going to be special ,drift competition will be held in the famed “Raganas katls” part of the moto track. Previous year spectators spoony to this track.This part contains multiple significant elevation changes, blind corners and small safety zones, making for an exciting experience for both the drivers and spectators. Knowing the level of Latvian PRO drifters, this race is sure to be remembered for excellent driving despite the difficult configuration.

While typically it has been possible to watch the race from the main stands of Biķernieki, this time it will be necessary, as previous year, to watch from the woods next to the track. The organizers, however, say that it will be possible to see nearly all the track from the spectator points. It is also important to note that the Latvian drift cup event on 8th of May will take the same place,offering a track configuration suitable for the Street and ProAm classes, but something different at all for Latvian drift cup.

It is also important to note that both 7th and 8th of May will have an open service park, meaning that fans will be able to get a closer look at the drift cars and meet their favourite drivers without buying a separate ticket. The service park on 7-8th of May will also have a special free children playground thanks to Skrīveru saldumi, and there will also be an inflatable attraction for children courtesy of 1188 uzziņu dienests.

Since the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian PRO drift season opening on 7th of May will be a separate event from the Latvian drift cup event on 8th of May, there will be two sets of tickets as well. Tickets for the Baltic PRO class season opening on May 7th cost 10 EUR, but tickets for the Latvian drift cup on 8th of May will cost 8 EUR. Child tickets will cost 3 EUR per ticket, regardless of the event.

We’d also like to inform that if you buy the tickets in Kongresu nams, Dailes theatre, Stockmann shopping center, Latvijas Pasts offices, Elkor, KSuns or Cirks, then you will not have to pay any convenience fees for the ticket. But, if buying in the following list of places, you will have to pay a convenience fee in addition to the ticket price:
Sky&More, Prisma Plaza, Prisma Domina, Prisma Imanta, Prisma Sporta, Prisma Deglava, Spice shopping mall information center, SPICE HOME information center, Statoil fuelling stations, Narvesen – 1.50 EUR (VAT included). If tickets are bought online, a 1.50 EUR fee also applies, as required by the ticket service.
Therefore we would suggest buying tickets in places where you don’t have to pay the convenience fee for printing them, or to buy the tickets when arriving at the event on race day.

For more information about the event, please follow:
Facebook: Latvian Drift page
Twitter: Latvia drift
Draugiem.lv: Latvijas drifts
Instagram: latviadrift

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